
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Days of sewing continued

Well, I have sewn several things since blogging last and like I said, I find blogging to be much harder than sewing. I am currently working on some baby outfits to photograph to put online to sell. I find myself putting a tremendous amount of time into each one and not sure if I can make a profit with all the invested time. I hope to have some photos soon to show a few of the latest things I have created.

Another project I am planning is to make is a special outfit for little girls in LSU colors in hopes that I can appeal to some tiger fans who are usually in the market for something outstanding to show off their little girls.

I am also working on getting the word out about a summer workshop to teach young girls, ages 8 and up how to sew.  The response has been great, and it looks like the first session is full and I will soon start promoting the second session. Each session will consist of 4 days of classes which will last 5 hours on Tues. and Thurs.  This will be a total of 20 hours with the cost of the classes being $100.00 per student.  The cost of the materials to use in class will be in addition to the class cost.  Each student can either purchase their own fabric from a material list I furnish, or I will have some kits made up that can be purchased for a moderate fee.

My immediate project though is to alter two prom dresses this week.  I did one last week and will do these last 2 today and tomorrow.  I have decided to start doing some alterations occasionally and will also take on some custom sewing jobs for special occasions.  Since the cost of fabric is so high these days, sewing for everyday fashion is really not practical.  I just really enjoy making something that is unique and adding some of the new techniques I have learned in some of the classes I have attended.

I hope my blog followers will drop back by to see some of the photos of projects I will try to post along the way, and I will try to blog more often.

With Nicole, my daughter's help I have decided on a name for my business. It will be "Heartstrings Attached."  This being the opposite of "no strings attached."  I always seem to get caught up in the things I make and get somewhat attached to them.  In spite of this, I have very few items that I have kept through the years because I always give them away.  However, I always feel an attachment to the recipients who become the owners of things I create.


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